SRJC Radiologic Technology Program frequently asked questions


COVID-19 Policy: 2023-2024

  • All students must comply with the SRJC Health Sciences Department policy to be fully vaccinated and boosted against COVID-19.
  • All students may participate in the care of Covid-positive and -possible patients, if the clinical site policy allows it.
  • All students must follow the clinical site's PPE guidelines for the care of Covid-positive and -possible patients.

This policy may be revised, as necessary. ​

  • I am interested in attending the radiologic technology program. What should I do to get started?

    We recommend that you start by reviewing the information on the Radiologic Technology web pages and carefully review them all. If you have already applied for admission at SRJC you can begin by meeting with a Health Science counselor. You can find the counseling department here.

  • What are the General Educational requirements?  Additionally, do you accept any coursework from other colleges?

    The General Education requirements are listed here.  The Articulation Agreements with other colleges are listed here.

  • What are the program prerequisites?

    Information about the prerequisites for the radiologic technology program MAJOR is available here.

    Information about the prerequisites for the radiologic technology program CERTIFICATE is available here.

    It is recommended that you meet with a Health Sciences Counselor to develop a plan for completing the program prerequisites. Please note that in addition to the prerequisite coursework, some coursework carries a “recency” requirement that is also evaluated with each application.  Recency means that the student has taken and passed the course within 5 years of the application close date with a final letter grade of "C" or higher.  Recency applies to Anatomy and Medical Terminology only.

  • How much does the program cost?

    The cost is based on number of units for each individual course, currently at $46.00 per unit.  In addition to college tuition and registration fees, there are a number of other costs associated with the radiologic technology program. Students in the first year spend approximately $1,500 to $2,000 on required materials including textbooks, skill lab kits, uniforms, and the costs associated with meeting the health requirements and background screening for the program. There are additional costs for maintaining your reliable transportation and gas to get to and from clinical sites that is not factored into the above figure. In the second year, the fees are not as high because students use the same textbooks and uniforms throughout the entire program. However, your transportation costs may increase because the second year students are in the clinical site three days per week rather than 2 days per week as a first year student.

  • How long does it take to complete the program?

    After completing the program prerequisites and being accepted in the radiologic technology program students must complete six consecutive semesters (23 consecutive months) of full time enrollment in radiologic technology courses. Students must also complete the SRJC associate degree requirements. It is highly recommended that students complete all general education requirements prior to entering the radiologic technology program.

  • Can I work while I am in the program?

    The radiologic technology program requires full time attendance and studies. Most students find it difficult to work while in the program. Courses in the radiologic technology program require students to be available five days per week that may include occasional evening or weekend clinical rotations. Currently we do not offer an evening or weekend program and we are unable to accommodate student work schedules.

  • Are there physical or health requirements for the program?

    Yes, there are physical, health, and immunization requirements for being admitted to the radiologic technology program. Additionally, students must clear a background check and urine drug screen. The fees for these requirements are paid by the student, however Student Health Services here on campus can assist you with some of these requirements. Please see the general requirements and clinical site requirements listed on the "Getting Started" page and the "Necessary Skills" page.

  • Where will I participate in my clinical experience?

    Students in the radiologic technology program rotate through various clinical sites within Sonoma, Marin, Napa, Lake, and Mendocino Counties and the surrounding communities. We have affiliation with 22 clinical facilities from Willits to Greenbrae, Clearlake and Napa. All students must be able to attend clinical during the day or occasional evening on any day of the week assigned. Every student in the program will be rotated through different clinical sites, and may occasionally include the evening shift and weekend assignments. Transportation to and from clinical sites is the responsibility of the student. We do not make accommodations for student schedules or child care needs.

  • What degree will I have when I finish the radiologic technology program?

    When you have completed the radiologic technologist curriculum you will receive a certificate of completion from the radiologic technology program, and, if you have completed the other educational requirements, an Associate Degree in Radiology upon graduation. You will be eligible to take the National Board Certifying Exam administered by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists, and to apply to the State of CA Department of Health Services, Radiologic Health Branch for the CRT certification that allows you to practice radiologic technology in the State of CA.  You could also continue your education for a Bachelor in Science in Radiologic Technology (BSRT), if desired.

  • When and how do I apply to the radiologic technology program?

    The radiologic technology program has one application period per year, Opens in October, closes in March, refer to application for specific dates. 22 students will be selected from the annual applicant pool for the subsequent fall semester of the next academic year. Applications must be received in the Health Sciences office prior to the application deadline.

    Official transcripts from colleges other than SRJC need to be submitted and received by Admissions and Records prior to applying. In addition to the official transcripts submitted to admissions and records, we ask that you also submit paper copies of unofficial transcripts for us to use as a part of the admission process.

    If you have course substitutions in place of the SRJC courses required as prerequisites, all of that paperwork and supporting documentation need to be submitted at the time of application if not before.

    Those students not selected for admission will need to re-apply next year to be considered again. We do not maintain a waiting list. The application is available on the "Applying to the Program" page.   Please note: Incomplete applications will not be processed.

  • How are the students selected for admission?

    The SRJC Radiologic Technology program reviews the application and other documentation to determine eligibility for admission. All prerequisite coursework must be completed at the time of submitting an application to our program. Official documentation of coursework demonstrating a letter grade “C” or higher is required at the time of submitting an application to our program.

    Applications will be ranked according to points earned in the selection criteria for consideration of admittance into the RT program.

    Selection is based on information obtained from the admission requirements and the number of points the applicant has earned. Applications are numerically ranked according to the total number of points.  Applicant selection will be made in descending order beginning with the top-ranking application.  A maximum of 22 students will be admitted, dependent on space-available at clinical education facilities. There will be a maximum of 10 alternate students chosen in case space becomes available prior to the beginning of the first semester. Each alternate will be offered a position based on the highest number of application points.

  • I am only interested in the certificate of completion. Is it necessary to take all the coursework for an Associate Degree?

    Yes. The American Registry of Radiologic Technologists has required that all new technologists certified after January 1, 2015 will have an associate degree level education. This is not to say that it need be an associate degree in radiologic technology. Students who can demonstrate by official transcripts that they possess an associate degree or higher from another accredited institution will meet this eligibility requirement, and therefore can follow the certificate track or the major track and thereby achieve another Associate Degree in Radiologic Technology.

  • If I have completed a prerequisite course at another school, do I need to submit a course substitution?

    If the course and school is already listed on the SRJC articulation agreements, then no.  If your course is from another school that is not listed on our articulation agreement, please be sure that you submit a course substitution, a college catalog description of that course, and official documentation (transcript if not already in file with admissions and records) that you have competed the course with a letter grade "C" or higher.

  • I took a medical terminology or other prerequisite course at a college that subscribes to the quarter system rather than the semester system. Is that OK?

       Yes and no.  The quarter system equals 2/3 or the semester system.  Example: Your medical terminology course was 3.0 units on a quarter system which is only 2.0 units of a semester system.  Our requirement is 3.0 units on the semester system.  Therefore, your options are to:

    1. take an additional medical terminology course of appropriate credit value, or
    2. to use another of your courses related to medical terminology as the balance of the credit value.  Note - you can only use one course in this fashion once.  You cannot use Anatomy 58 at SRJC as your anatomy prerequisite AND your balance for medical terminology.


  • I have applied to the program for several years and have not been accepted even though my coursework was all up to date. I am very discouraged. Do you give any consideration to someone who has applied several times in the past and still not gotten in?

     Unfortunately, we do not offer consideration nor preference for repeat applicants.  In an effort to show equal access to all, we repeat the selection process every year. There is NO WAITLIST. Please be aware that we do not offer any preference to other valid considerations like military service, first generation college learners, single parents, and so forth.

  • Where can I find more about a career in diagnostic imaging?

    The American Society of Radiologic Technologists (ASRT) has information about the various imaging modalities available for a career in medical imaging. These “career encounters” offer insight for the potential health care professional to make an informed choice whether a career in healthcare is the right choice for you.

  • Is there anything else that I should know?

    Yes, you should be honest with yourself and determine if you really want to take all the time and effort and sacrifice to go through the years of study and dedication to achieve a career in diagnostic imaging. Is this what you really want? If you want to be a nurse but cannot get into nursing school, then radiologic technology may not be a good alternative. It is not easy to go to school and train for a career, but harder still if you do not believe that radiologic technology is the career you want.

    So do your homework before you apply. Radiologic Technology is not everyone’s cup of tea, but if you really want a career as a radiologic technologist, the SRJC Radiologic Technology program can help you achieve that goal.