Getting Started






Important Update regarding changes to Prerequisite Courses for admission to Rad Tech Program!

Beginning with Summer 2025, RADT 99 Community Engagement Related to Medical Imaging will no longer be offered. RADT 99 is no longer a prerequisite course for the Rad Tech Program. See Application Worksheet on the Getting Started tab for more information about credit for having taken the course prior to Summer 2025.



Students must be eligible to enroll at Santa Rosa Junior College. An advising session with a Health Sciences counselor for an educational plan of program prerequisites is highly recommended to all prospective students. The latest Radiologic Technology Student Handbook is available for review.  

Counseling Department  Students should make an appointment with a health sciences counselor by calling (707) 527-4451. The Health Science counseling liaisons for the Radiologic Technology program are Geoff Navarro at and Vince Hamilton at


General Qualifications

  1. Minimum age requirement is 18 years.

  2. Students on academic probation or progress probation are not eligible, contact a Counselor or the Program Director if you have questions.

  3. If you have been convicted of a misdemeanor or a felony, please contact the American Registry of Radiologic Technologist for the pre-application process (651) 687-0048

  4. Physical and psychosocial status: Sound physical and mental health. Clean and sober.

  5. Ability to speak, read, write, communicate and test in the English language fluently and proficiently at a college level. English 1A is required by the program's licensing agency.

  6. Other recommended skills include note taking, study skills, test taking skills, diligence, focus and initiative prior to entry into the program.


Selection Qualifications

  1. All applicants must be over 18 and have a high school diploma, G.E.D. (or equivalent) OR completion of a degree from a community college or university.
  2. Students must have an overall GPA of 2.75 or higher in college coursework at the time of application.
  3. Students must submit copies off ALL college transcripts with application. Only coursework from a regionally accredited institution in the United States will be accepted.
  4. Online submission of “unofficial” transcripts is acceptable IF the official records are on file with Santa Rosa Junior College Admissions and Records. 
  5. Applications must document completion of all mandatory program prerequisites with a letter grade of C or better to qualify for review and ranking. 
  6. Prerequisite courses taken as  "Pass/No Pass" will NOT be accepted.
  7. Applications with courses “in progress” will NOT be considered.  

Qualified applications will be reviewed for completeness as well as accuracy to be eligible for program selection. Responsibility of application completeness, accuracy and on-time submission rests solely on the student. Incomplete applications will be disregarded.


Selection Criteria

In order to be eligible for admission, students are required to complete these prerequisites:

  • English 1A (or higher level) or ESL 10
  • CS 5 (Computer Literacy)
  • Anatomy 58 (or higher) - Recency Requirement
  • Physiology 58 (or higher)
  • HLC 160 (Medical Terminology) - Recency Requirement
  • Psychology 1A or 30 or 56
  • Communications 7, or approved speech and ethnic studies courses
  • RADT 100
  • Psych 9, Math 15, Math 10, or higher level*


* Because of California Assembly Bill 705 (AB 705) requirements, the math courses listed on the Program of Study for the Certificate and Major programs are no longer offered. Starting in Fall 2024, the math prerequisite will be Psych 9, Math 15, Math 10, or higher level.

* Previously approved degree applicable math courses that were successfully completed prior to Spring 2023 semester, including Math 101, 154, 155, 156, and 161, will continue to be accepted.


All coursework must be completed with a letter grade "C" or higher.

In addition to these prerequisites, a "recency" requirement is imposed on Anatomy 58 and HLC 160 to have been completed within the 5-year period prior to the close of the current year application period.

All prerequisite coursework must be completed and verifiable by official college transcript at the time of application.

No “In Progress” coursework will be accepted.

All college courses must have been completed with a final letter grade of “C” or better from a school recognized as an accredited institution.

Applications will be ranked according to points earned in the selection criteria for consideration of admittance into the RT program.



  • All transcripts including SRJC, must be submitted with application
  • Official transcripts from institutions outside of SRJC must be submitted to Admissions & Records
  • Unofficial transcripts from SRJC and other institutions are to be submitted with application


Complete Prerequisites

  • All coursework must be completed and verifiable by official college transcript at the time of application.
  • No “In Progress” coursework will be accepted.

**Five year recency applies to Anatomy and Medical Terminology courses completed Spring Semester 2021 thru Fall Semester 2025 (as notated below).

All college courses must have been completed with a final letter grade of “C” or better from a school recognized as an accredited institution. 


Click Here - Application Worksheet


In order to be eligible for admission, students are required to complete these prerequisites: English 1A (or higher), CS 5, Anatomy 58, Physiology 58, HLC 160, Psychology 1A or 30 or 52, Communications 7, or approved speech and ethnic studies courses, Psych 9 or Math 15 (or higher), and RADT 100. All coursework must be completed with a letter grade "C" or higher. Courses taken as a "Pass/No Pass" will not be accepted.

In addition to these prerequisites, a "recency" requirement is imposed on Anatomy 58 and HLC 160 to have been completed within the 5-year period prior to the close of the current year application period.

For the applications for the incoming 2026 class, the recency prerequisite coursework shall have been completed no earlier than the spring of 2021 (5 years).

The American Registry of Radiologic Technologists requires an Associate Degree as an eligibility to sit for the licensing examination. Therefore, the SRJC Radiologic Technology Program strongly urges all applicants who do not possess an Associate Degree or higher, to complete all of the general education requirements for an Associate of Science degree prior to admission to the program. The program prerequisites only fulfill the graduation requirements in areas A, B, C, D, and G for students using the Option A General Education Pattern. 

See General Education for details.

See Certificate or Majors for details.  (*The math courses listed on the Program of Study for the Certificate and Major programs are no longer offered. Starting in Fall 2024, the math prerequisite will be Psych 9, Math 15 or higher level)

The Articulation Agreements with other colleges are listed here.


Selection Process

Selection is based on information obtained from the admission requirements and the number of points the applicant has earned. Applications are numerically ranked according to the total number of points.  Applicant selection will be made in descending order beginning with the top-ranking application.  A maximum of 22 students will be admitted, dependent on space-available at clinical education facilities. There will be a maximum of 10 alternate students chosen in case space becomes available prior to the beginning of the first semester. Each alternate will be offered a position based on the highest number of application points.

Applicants not selected may re-apply for consideration the following year.

Selected applicants will be required to complete a background check and drug screening in accordance with the requirements of  clinical facilities affiliated with the Radiologic Technology program.  In accordance with the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) policies, applicants understand that acceptance is provisional pending results of the background check and drug screening. Students who do not comply with drug screen &/or background check requirements will have provisional acceptance withdrawn and the next highest-ranking applicant will be offered provisional acceptance. 

Students will be notified of their application status in mid-June. Applicants will attend a mandatory program orientation in mid-July. It will be understood that provisionally accepted applicants who do not attend the mandatory program orientation are no longer interested in the Radiologic Technology program and forfeit their acceptance. The next highest-ranking applicant will be offered provisional acceptance. 

All selection results will be e-mailed out in mid-June of the application year. Do not call for results.



Students who successfully complete all program courses as described in the REQUIREMENTS section and the associate degree general education requirements, will be awarded an Associate of Science degree and a Certificate of Completion. The General Education and the radiologic technology courses can be found in the Schedule of Classes.

Schedule of Classes

The Radiologic Technology Program has established articulation agreements with many community colleges. The following link will help determine the transferability of your classes.  For those classes and colleges not listed, please consult your college counselor.   The program curriculum is available as a certificate of completion for those who already have an associate level degree or higher. It is also available as a Major for those who do not. The links below will be useful.


Clinical Site Requirements

Health care experience: Applicants/volunteers are advised that universal and other precautions must be observed within the health-care setting. After reading our Necessary Skills description, please make certain that you verify with the hospitals/agencies if your personal health and physical limitations are compatible with the industry's physical requirements. Follow the agency's radiation protection, CPR, current immunizations, and background check protocol.


Next Page ~ Applying to the Program